silly lil goober
dimrain47, cornandbeans, nighthawk22, zebrahead, crush 40, beatles and sonic 06 enthusiast
i do stuff because im bored
pls follow


Joined on 2/4/22

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shingreon's News

Posted by shingreon - May 25th, 2024

Hey guys, I just wanna let you know that I will be moving to Bandcamp and probably not releasing much on Newgrounds. This is just to make releasing albums and such easier, as I can actually compile everything instead of uploading all at once. I will of course release my singles on here however, and possibly EPs/albums that I am proud of. Anyways, go follow my Bandcamp! https://shingreon.bandcamp.com/

(I'll be releasing my latest single here soon.)

Thank you!


Posted by shingreon - March 2nd, 2024

Hey guys! Gonna be remastering all of my tracks from 2022. I feel like I'm actually half decent at composing now.

Posted by shingreon - February 25th, 2024

hi guys

got a new song coming up soon featuring my friends shealashaska and wehateryan


Posted by shingreon - December 9th, 2023

im so so sorry for not posting any music recently i have literally had no motivation at all

im thinking of something to post soon so just give me a bit

Posted by shingreon - September 20th, 2023

ok about the lyrics song im so bad at recording vocals that it just wont work

i cant sing either

i probably will release the beat by itself cause i dont want it to go to waste and i actually kinda like it

Posted by shingreon - August 31st, 2023

I might be making a song with lyrics at some point soon. It's probably gonna be some kinda indie rock song or something like that. I've been listening to too much of it, I need help.

Posted by shingreon - August 3rd, 2023

Hey all! Some of my Newgrounds music is going to be featured in a little game I'm working on in the Unity engine. If you want to test out the game, 3 demos have been released. It's called AcroVerse and it's coming along really well so far! Here's the download page: https://sites.google.com/view/acroversedownloadpage/home


Posted by shingreon - June 7th, 2023

I'm going to be working on an album called "bros cookin" with the entire contents being joke songs.

Posted by shingreon - November 11th, 2022

Sorry I haven't been making a lot of music recently. I've lost a lot of motivation and every time I open FL Studio I can't think of anything to make. I have tons of ideas though, but I just don't know how to execute them. I might post another soon if I can think of anything. Just with school coming back on and me going into one of the most important years is putting some stress onto me. I'll be just fine though. Expect some new songs to come out hopefully.

Posted by shingreon - July 17th, 2022

so guys funny story when i made this account i used the password i use for my google account and i friggin spelt it wrong when i was making the account so i couldnt log in for ages anyways im back now and i think 2 new songs will be dropping soon